Professional development brought straight to you.

Current Webinar Offerings.


Examining Early Childhood Teaching Practices through an Anti-bias Framework

This webinar will introduce participants to the anti-bias education (ABE) framework as it relates to identity and early childhood teaching practices. The webinar will explore the goals of ABE, delve into the research that supports this critical work, and provide photos and examples of anti-bias lesson plans in action. This event is open to anyone working with young children who is interested in cultivating relationships and curriculum that support all dimensions of human difference.
1 hour webinar with Q&A | $35


Introduction to Natural Outdoor Classrooms: What, Why, and How

This webinar provides an introduction to the Outdoor Classroom, why it is needed, what it is, and how it works. Gain a fundamental understanding of all aspects of the Outdoor Classroom, with photos of it in action, examples of activities, activity areas, and center transformations.  This workshop is ideal for both those beginning development of their Outdoor Classroom as well as those who are experienced but looking for inspiration and additional ideas.

1.5 hour webinar with Q&A | $35


Whole Child Learning in the Outdoor Classroom

How do children learn in the Outdoor Classroom? What does learning look like? How do you know what they are learning when they are playing outdoors? The Outdoor Classroom approach is more than just recess. This webinar will work through all developmental domains, looking at what children are doing and the skills they are developing as they play.

1.5 hour webinar with Q&A | $35


Re-opening with Care Under COVID-19 Guidelines

This webinar will walk you through a typical day at the CEC from the greeting and sanitization station to the wonderful small spaces created for each child indoors. You will also explore great ways to provide healthy and active opportunities in the natural outdoor classroom. Be prepared to be inspired and leave with hope in your heart for creating new spaces for all children in your care.

1.5 hour webinar with Q&A | $30


Re-opening School-Age Programs with Care Under COVID-19 Guidelines

The program directors from our model site, the Child Educational Center (CEC) in La Canada, CA created a presentation about the re-opening of our school age programs, from the preparation and planning at our sites, to daily implementation. Allegra Inganni, CEC’s Director of School-Age Programs will be hosting this incredible webinar. We are excited to be sharing our experience with you.

1 hour webinar with Q&A | $30


Gardening with Young Children – Philosophy, Purpose, & Key Elements for Early Childhood Programs

If you are new to gardening with young children, this workshop is for you! In this workshop participants will learn the basics of establishing an inviting garden, consider garden philosophy and purposes for young children, learn what key elements are needed to support ongoing success and understand the benefits of gardening for young children. Many ideas will be shared and inspiring visuals included. 
1.5 hour webinar with Q&A | $35


Teacher Engagement: Addressing Challenging Behaviors with Respect, Time, and Love

One of the most common issues facing teachers of young children is working with behaviors that are challenging, disruptive, worrisome and confusing. Teachers, and their engagement with children, play a critical role in addressing and preventing these challenges as does access to a natural outdoor classroom. This webinar will take a fresh look at what the behaviors mean, how to prevent them, and how best to help children when they do occur.

1.5 hour webinar with Q&A | $35


Preschool Programs Should Not be Restrictive: Assessing the LRE requirement from an Early Childhood Perspective

A close look at the typical practices in a special education preschool classroom will assist participants in understanding the differences in children’s needs and adult expectations. Additionally, participants will learn how to support children with special needs in natural outdoor classrooms, where open-ended, sensory rich experiences naturally provide the least restrictive environment and offer a variety of quality, child-directed, open-ended learning opportunities. 

1.5 hour webinar with Q&A | $35

Make it personal.

Are you interested in one of the trainings above but don’t see an upcoming date? We offer customized and exclusive private virtual trainings for your center. Get in touch with us to book your private webinar today!