Since 2003, we have served child care programs and childhood educators across California.
Dream it
In the outdoor classroom, children connect to the natural world and learn from what nature has to teach us. We envision a world where all children in childhood education settings have access to the rich developmental opportunities that come from engaging with the natural world.
Build it
We are dedicated to increasing the quantity, quality, and benefit of outdoor experiences for children in care and education programs through providing educational and consulting services on the value and design of engaging outdoor learning environments.
Grow it
We want to help you transform outdoor learning at your childhood education program. Whether through professional development, custom consultation and design services, or continuing education opportunities, we have a solution for you.
The Power of One
All it takes in one person, one idea, or one small change to start the movement and lead you down the path of a fully realized natural outdoor space. Fulfilling your own vision of a quality outdoor space with engaged teachers and supportive adults.