Skills for cultivating and sustaining the Outdoor Classroom

Professional Certificate Trainings

Our two Professional Certificate Trainings are designed to increase the base of childhood educators trained in a fundamental understanding of the Outdoor Classroom.


Experience has shown that child care programs are most likely to successfully implement the Outdoor Classroom when there is at least one skilled teacher available to lead implementation activities.

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Two comprehensive trainings to meet you at your skill level

We have reimagined our old model of specialist trainings to offer you so much more. We now offer two new integrated professional certificate trainings. Each training will involve of series of six half-day workshops to complete the full course. Choose from an introduction in Foundations of the Outdoor Classroom or deepen your practice with Leadership in the Outdoor Classroom.

Start strong

Foundations of The Outdoor Classroom
Philosophy, Practice, and Design


The “why” behind the need for Natural Outdoor spaces, and philosophical foundations for implementation.


discover best practices for ECE as well as teacher engagement.    


gain the functional skills to assess and align play spaces with the Principles of the Natural Outdoor Classroom design principles.

Go deeper

Leadership in The Outdoor Classroom
Research & Documentation, Communication and Leadership

Research & Documentation

Discover what research reveals about the benefits of learning in the outdoors as well as how-to conduct research in your own space.


The basic tenet that effective communication is vital to the successful practice of natural outdoor classrooms.


Understand the power of one and how important you are as an agent of change in the movement to promote, enhance and sustain the natural outdoor classroom at your site or programs.


Have Questions?

We have answers.

“Thank you guys so much! Your classes were amazing and have me really thinking about my space. You are all wonderful teachers and I’m so glad I was able to complete the course.”
— Training Participant